Friday, March 27, 2009

Home - A New Journey Begins

We have been thinking about how to bring this blog to a close. How do we say goodbye to all of you who have followed Jay's progress and sent prayers, positive thoughts, and well wishes? We are so blessed with the MIRACLE of Jay's life and recovery, and we know that so much loving energy sent our way has been instrumental in bringing him back.

We've been at home for a week, and it has been wonderful. It was like a time warp to walk back in to Xmas cards, cookies, and decorations. It's taken the entire week to get organized and we still have a way to go. Our town is welcoming us home with open arms and Gunnison greetings, and "normal life" never felt so good.

Jay is doing great. As hair grows over the scars on his head, it's hard to see the signs of our Salt Lake City journey. But we have both been changed and will continue to grow from this experience. A few more weeks and Jay goes back to work part time, to regain his stamina in the workplace. Life is therapy now, as Jay continues to recover at home and in community.

Jay has been touched by your cards and messages, and wishes he could respond to all of you. Perhaps a good way to stay in touch would be via our home email. Please feel free to contact us at

It brings tears to my eyes and I am at a loss for words, but we are officially SIGNING OFF!

So much love and thanks from Dawn, Jay, and Devanie.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Return Home

Our last Sunday in Salt Lake City! My brother Mark will accompany us on the drive back to Gunnison this Thursday March 19th. After all this time, it's hard to believe we're coming home! I will miss Salt Lake City, and the people and places that have become part of our lives.....but it's time and we're ready. When we flew in here on an Air-Med flight on January 12th, if someone had told me we'd be here until March 19th, I'd probably have had a nervous breakdown, or simply not believed them. There's no way to comprehend all that's happened to us, and we've lived it!

The road back has been a journey of personal growth for both of us. We're still processing what it all means, but we know Jay has been gifted with a second chance at life. There's been a silver lining as well as lots of challenges. He's coming home with a buzz cut and a cane (both temporary), and is still accessing higher level abilities and skills. His personality and his confidence are re-emerging, as a stroke and brain injury is a humbling experience. Jay will continue to recover, but returning home to our lives is the next phase.

The silver lining lies in the growing, learning, changing, accepting, and pondering we've both had to do, and in the strength, gratitude, and openess we've been blessed with. We left in the dead of winter and we come home in the spring. It feels like a rebirth full of new opportunites and possibilities.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


It was hard to say goodbye to my sister Tammy yesterday and our daughter Devanie today. Their presence made this rehab adventure away from home so much more fun. Jay had intense outpatient therapy everyday this week, and on Saturday we went out to lunch AND dinner to celebrate our visitors and our daughter's birthday. Jay's stamina is improving as he spends time in the world. Sunday is a day of rest and the quiet today has been restorative to us both.

So many milestones this week. We returned our wheelchair and Jay is cruising around with only a cane he uses for balance and security. The staples are out of his head, and there's no more Frankenstein zipper. He's doing "assignments" for speech and occupational therapy that I'm glad I don't have to do. (powerpoint presentations, math problems, budget problems, driving tests.)

Jay is ready to be done with therapy, but he is gaining much confidence as he accesses the skills and abilities he had before his stroke.

We continue to be grateful and awed by this miracle of recovery, and we often reflect on our blessings. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, encouragement and love. It has meant a lot to us.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Progress Continues

Jay has completed one week out of the hospital and one week of outpatient therapy, and his progress continues. Jay is walking really well and is now focusing on strength, balance, and stamina. We took a good walk today and Jay chose to use the stairs instead of the elevator in the hotel.

Jay is spending time each day reading books, magazines, and newspapers, which is helping to build mental endurance. He also spends time resting. We're told that a healing brain needs to either "be on or be off". The miraculous plasticity of the brain enables the brain to heal itself during times of rest, and to regain function during times of focused concentrated effort.

Tomorrow we begin a new phase. We'll have intense 5 day a week therapy at a community based outpatient clinic. Jay believes that recovery is his job right now. Add to Jay's therapy schedule, a doctor appointment, lab visit, and a visit to the nerosurgeon to get the staples out of his head, and the next few days will be busy with work on recovery.

It's great to be out of the hospital, and we're cozy at the University Guesthouse, our home away from home, but there's nothin' like the real thing, and we are excited to get home to Gunnison. Thanks so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, emails, and cards. We are grateful for your understanding, as I know many of you are carrying a greater load in our absence.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Unfolding Miracle

We are so blessed and I have been witness to a true miracle. I feel sad and even a little guilty when I see others who have not had a recovery like Jay's, or those who will not walk again. Today in PT when they were challenging Jay by having him walk outside on different surfaces, (rocks, grass, hills) I was so grateful that we will still be able to hike together. When a loved one is devastated by a stroke, and is working on recovery, the fear and the grief of what might not come back and what might be lost forever is a constant.

We have video clips of Jay taken by one of his physical therapists as he struggled to relearn to walk and regain his motor abilities. You would have to see these clips to understand the enormity of his recovery. He has come so far, it is miraculous.

When we're not working with the physical therapists we still use a wheelchair to cruise around because we don't want to get too cocky, but Jay will come home on his feet. He has regained the strength and dexterity of his left hand and arm, which was so important to him.

The University of Utah Hospital has 2 outpatient rehab clinics. This week (post surgery) we continued to go to the one we attended as an inpatient at University Hospital. It's been wonderful to see our friends, the doctors, therapists, and other patients. It's been great for them to see Jay with his bone in place, and to celebrate his amazing progress. Jay does not take credit for his recovery. We know this miracle is a result of the gifted surgeons, the talented rehab staff, the incredible therapists, the doctors who offered us friendship, and the prayers, love, and support of all of you.

Next week we begin outpatient therapy at University Hospital's community based clinic. We'll have intensive 5 day a week therapy, which will be more related to transition back to work and community. Jay has been heroic on this journey, and has gained much from this challenge. You've heard the terms, "a stroke of genius, a stroke of insight, a stroke of luck." To have a stroke is to experience a lightning bolt of awareness or transformation. It truly can be a blessing.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Goodbye Hospital

After being in the hospital since January 12th, Jay came "home" to my hotel room today. We are so thankful to be at this stage in the journey. Getting the bone flap replaced is a monumental step forward. The doctors are amazed at Jay's recovery and gratified that their aggresssive surgeries resulted in such a positive outcome. Jay has a million staples in his head. The staples come out in 10-14 days, so he's going to be scary looking for awhile!

Jay is getting better everyday, and now we begin outpatient therapy to continue his recovery. Only about 3 1/2 weeks and then it's home, sweet, home.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Peaceful Day Today

All is well as Jay continues to recover from the surgery to replace his cranial bone. Discharge is planned for tomorrow. The day has been a lovely balance of activity and rest. Jay and I both took walks and now it's quiet and peaceful in our room. Our "roomate" was discharged today and with a little bit of luck this will be our "private room" from which to view the Academy Awards. In view of all that's happened it's such a treat to savor these sweet peaceful moments.